How to create a free SSL Certificate
OS → Ubuntu 20
Steps to Do:-
Step 1
SSH into the Ubuntu instance and run the command sudo apt update -y
Step 2
Now install the snap store by running the command sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
Step 3
Now we need to install Certbot, to run the command sudo snap install --classic certbot
Step 4
To make the Certbot command work run the command sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
Step 5
Now there is two-step to create the SSL certificate
- We can create it while the web server is running, to run the command
sudo certbot certonly --webroot
note:- the above command works only if the web server is running on port 80 or 443 - We can create the SSL while the web server is stopped, to do run the command
sudo certbot certonly --standalone
Provide the requested details and finally, our SSL certification is generated
Note: Kb link → Certbot Instructions