Expanding Azure SQL Database Storage with Python and the Azure SDK

Managing database storage effectively is critical to keeping applications performant and scalable. This tutorial will walk through a Python script that dynamically increases the storage capacity of an Azure SQL Database by a specified percentage. We will use the Azure SDK for Python to interact with Azure SQL, applying best practices to handle authentication, logging, and error handling.


  1. Azure Subscription: An active Azure subscription. You can create a free account here.
  2. Azure SQL Database: Ensure you have an Azure SQL Database created and configured.
  3. Python and Required Libraries:
    • Python 3.6 or higher installed. Download it from Python’s official site.
    • Azure SDK libraries installed via pippip install azure-identity azure-mgmt-sql

Overview of the Script

The script performs the following steps:

  1. Authenticate with Azure using the DefaultAzureCredential, supporting various authentication methods.
  2. Retrieve Current Database Properties: Fetch the current storage size of the specified database.
  3. Calculate New Database Size: Increase the storage size by a defined percentage.
  4. Update Database Size: Apply the new size to the database.
  5. Error Handling and Logging: Catch errors during the operation and log each step for easier debugging and monitoring.

Code Walkthrough

Here’s the complete Python script to accomplish this:

import math
import logging
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.sql import SqlManagementClient
from azure.core.exceptions import AzureError

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Input variables
subscription_id = "{ YOUR SUBSCRIPTION }"
resource_group_name = "{ RESOURCE GROUP NAME }"
server_name = '{ SQL SERVER NAME }'
database_name = '{ DATABASE NAME }'

# Percentage increase for the database size
percentage_increase = 20

def main():
        # Authenticate with Azure
        logger.info("Authenticating with Azure...")
        credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
        sql_client = SqlManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
        # Get current database details
        logger.info(f"Fetching current properties for database: {database_name}...")
        database = sql_client.databases.get(
        # Calculate the new size in GB
        current_max_size_gb = database.max_size_bytes / (1024 ** 3)
        logger.info(f"Current max size: {current_max_size_gb} GB")

        new_max_size_gb = math.ceil(current_max_size_gb * (1 + percentage_increase / 100))
        new_max_size_bytes = new_max_size_gb * (1024 ** 3)
        logger.info(f"New max size (rounded): {new_max_size_gb} GB")

        update_params = {
            'max_size_bytes': int(new_max_size_bytes)

        # Update database size
        logger.info("Updating database size...")
        updated_db = sql_client.databases.begin_update(

        logger.info(f"Updated max size to: {updated_db.max_size_bytes / (1024 ** 3)} GB")
    except AzureError as e:
        logger.error(f"An error occurred while interacting with Azure: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Explanation of Each Step

  1. Logging Configuration: We use Python’s logging library to log each significant step.
  2. Authentication: DefaultAzureCredential provides seamless authentication, including support for environment variables and managed identities.
  3. Fetching Database Properties: The sql_client.databases.get() function retrieves the database’s current size, in bytes.
  4. Calculating the New Size: The new size is calculated as the current size plus a specified percentage increase. The math.ceil function ensures we round up to the nearest GB to avoid insufficient allocation.
  5. Updating Database Size: The begin_update() method applies the updated size to the database.
  6. Error Handling: Catch and log any Azure-specific errors or general exceptions that might occur.

Running the Script

To run the script, use the following command:

python update_database_size.py


This script is a useful tool for automatically scaling your database storage, ensuring you can handle increased data volumes without manual intervention. This approach is especially beneficial in scenarios where usage patterns are highly dynamic, allowing for seamless storage expansion with minimal downtime.

Best Practices and Tips

  • Automate in a Scheduler: Consider setting this script to run periodically (e.g., in Azure Functions or as a Cron job) to handle storage scaling automatically.
  • Monitor Database Size: Use Azure Monitor or Application Insights to track database usage trends and plan expansions in advance.
  • Logging Levels: Adjust logging levels (INFO, WARNING, ERROR) based on the deployment environment.

This solution provides a practical way to manage SQL database storage, ensuring that your applications continue running smoothly as data grows.

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